We are taking a break for a week and rolling right into our next series of 6 evenings to meet and encourage one another to live our best life, take action towards that which is for our highest and best good, listen and act on our intuitive guidance, and flower fully in our gifts.
Date: Monday April 9, 2012
For: 6 Monday evenings
Where: Goddess Temple - Harmony Healing Centre
Address: Unit 12-1480 Foster Street, B.C.
Cost: $220.00 first timers, $160.00 repeaters

You may ask "What does it mean to be in your Goddess Nature?" Well, it is not about another title, ego, or more mind information. It is about letting go of the old story, the old self, being transparent and loving self fully (rear of the heart open) to listen to your guides/inner guidance.
This is a process of being real, being willing to feel into your body, willing to be seen fully, and allowing your shadow aspects to come forth. The circle provides a safe space of honest, kind, loving, respectful support to help each one of us peel away the old layers that have kept us from being ourselves fully.
The gift out of this process is the support and acceptance that each one of us feels within the circle. Truly, women are holding a space of kindness for each other and are 'working' together to clear emotional and energetic baggage. Novel concept, but true! In raising each other for the good, we all win! We all benefit and piggy back being mirrors to one another. What a privilege is has been to walk this journey with a number of women thus far in the past year. We have an awesome and clean support system in place to ensure every woman receives the time, energy, love, and support she deserves. The rest is up to each of us to walk consciously, or awake as a dear friend of mine used to say through our own doors of growth from week to week.
Being our Goddess Nature also entails not just loving and honoring ourselves, but also caring for the people, families, and kids in our lives. Many of us are women in families juggling both their own personal journey as well as being responsible for others such as kids and partners while creating their own true work. We are Multi-taskers, and juggling busy lives, yet learning how to do all of this in balance.
It has been an absolute joy, pleasure and amazing journey with all the women so far.
I am a better woman for walking this walk with you.

Namaste to you all,