Friday, 26 October 2012

Join us for the last women's circle series for 2012!

WE are going into our last Goddess Circle for this year on Monday, October 29, 2012.

Our focus will be to continue to
  • open our hearts fully open, front and back heart
  • see Rose Exercise
  • clear any emotional blocks and patterns
  • to master walking with spirit, not ego
  • being transparent and willing to be seen
  • support each other in our process and intuitive gifts
  • to create a new level of connection with each other based on trust, safety, honesty, and support
  • align with these new energies on the planet in body, mind, spirit and emotion

The details are the same as below. 
Please call Rita at 778-552-1608 if you are interested in joining this fabulous circle. Expect to grow and feel nourished.
Love to you, Rita

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Integrating Love, Wisdom, and Intuitive Gifts

We are excited to start up once again our Goddess/Women Circle this fall!  

We are starting to fill up at this time, so if you are feeling called to be there, to experience the safety of being in a loving women circle and to grow, please contact me at
778-552-1608 or via

Starting Date:  Monday, September 10th, 2012
Time:  7:00 pm to 9:30 - 9:45 pm (we can go over the timing for the process is organic)
For:    6 consecutive Monday Evenings
Where:  Harmony Healing Centre
Address:  Unit 12-1480 Foster Street, White Rock
Max number of women in the group: 12 

Cost:  $220.00 for first timers, $160.00 for repeaters
Accept:  Cash or cheque made out to Rita Britnell

What to bring:  Yourself, your willingness to be open, feeling, transparent, to love yourself fully (heart fully open), to let go of any patterns that are blocking you from listening and being your true Goddess Nature, to allow your gifts to shine through you, crystals or energetic tools that wish to come with you to the circle, water, a shawl, a nummy snack is also very welcome.

I am so very grateful to the women that I have had a privilege to be in circle with and for us to grow as we have and welcome you with deep gratitude and love to re-join in the circle to continuing co-creating and allowing ourselves to expand further.  We welcome those women who are feeling the inspiration to join us to feel welcome and safe to come be with us,
Thank you Rita

Rita M. Britnell, Emotional Intuitive and Goddess Facilitator
Supported by Lynda Rivers and Karen Kostiuk
at the Home of Harmony Healing Centre

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Dealing with Triggers and Self Care

'This is about Self- Awareness - literally pulling yourself back and observing where you're at in the moment.  This is sometimes difficult to do especially when the ego/emotional body and the rear heart chakra is closed causing the emotional trigger to be overwhelming.  We're not saying that this overwhelming emotion is happening to everyone, however it happens to most.  The feeling that you have when this happens can be observed by literally stopping yourself and observing the feeling rather than moving completely into the triggered emotion.  Once the observation is underway, then a solution can be brought forth.  This is using the left brain to help midigate or calm the emotional state of the right brain and the emotional state of the ego.  At this time a certain amount of reasoning can take place which is the best way to handle this emotional trigger - to feel into it from an observers position or to logically understand why the trigger is taking place.  You will find 80% of the time you are being triggered by someone elses' emotional trigger.  In general, once you acknowledge your trigger is caused by someone else it is much easier to observe and allow this trigger to fade away either through rational thought or emotional feeling.  Once the emotional trigger has been dealt with, you open up the rear of the heart and bring awareness to self, you are loving and taking care of self.'
This information was given directly by my Guides on handling triggers.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Dealing With The Release Of Emotional Triggers

In our own personal work of clearing old emotional patterns, hurts, conditioning, and any place that has kept us from being our best self, tune in, tapped in, and feeling our true and intuitive nature, we must be willing to go inside and be with what wants to surface and is ready to clear away from our energy body/field. 

Here is what The Guides have most recently suggested for us to focus on bringing to awareness ~

The Art Of Allowing Feelings!

It is about allowing self to feel - not blocking the feelings - it is about not pushing the feelings down - letting them flow freely and thus come to the surface.  Once they are at the surface it allows them to be seen, looked at so you can apply the left brain to observe what the feeling is and why it is occuring.
Once those have been designated, then it is easier for the individual to clear them and release them.  This is what the ego wants - to be able to observe and see what the emotion is!!!!
The ego is rather like a computer hard drive where each and every emotion , feeling, desire, and need is stored.  When it is brought up to the conscious mind similar to retrieving a file - a spreadsheet you may call it to work on your computer.  This spreadsheet or emotion, want, or need can then be looked at.  It can then be modified, changed and deleted so the file is no longer valid or accessible.  It is now gone from the collective egoic memory!!!!  This is necessary for the release of this emotion, want, or need.  It allows the spirit a chance to be free of the egoic memory.  
Going into the feeling, reaction, need is 50% of this process that is necessary for release.  The other 50% is the awareness of where the feeling came from, why it was first encountered, recognition of circumstances or individuals involved.  
In working with the spreadsheet, it can be released.  It is no longer hidden away within the subconscious pattern which repeats itself over and over again until the original file or memory has been brought to the surface or the screen.  
Accessing the file is brought about by the emotion. Clearing the file is done mostly by observation, recognition, willingness to release then feeling the emotion dissipate or flow through the body beingness.  
This is not to say that the following applies to all, but to most humans.'

For some who have done this for a while, and experienced certain emotions, triggers before thinking I have dealt with this one.  Please know that you may be hitting a deeper layer of it and perhaps this may be the last time you feel this before you fully release this from your energy 100%.  Know that this is happening for others and is possible that you become free from these emotional blocks.

For additional awareness, when emotional triggers, wants, needs, feelings re-surface, the back of the heart tends to 'slam shut' closing us off to loving ourselves, not allowing love to enter, and hence be coming from ego, not spirit (being disconnected).  When we work through the emotions using this process and loving ourselves through it, the back of the heart is more willing to re-open.  The Guides do suggest as always to re-open the back of the heart, bring awareness to it and perhaps even use the Rose Exercise that Thomas was guided to create for this purpose.

Most recent, one of our Goddess Women shared her experience of using the Rose Exercise as part of her own deepening:  

I want to share with you both the most profound experience I just had.
I have been having trouble realizing if the back of my heart is open or not.
I decided to watch your video Thomas.
I had the most amazing feeling of LOVE and PEACE I have ever felt.
Tears were streaming down my face, it was truly amazing.
As I am typing this tears are still falling, I simply don't have the words to describe the feeling.
I just know all is well, and that I am loved.
I am SO very appreciative of the two of you and what you are doing for my life.

Love to you both,

Try out the above suggestion and let me know how you make out!  If you need support/assistance in clearing some of the deeper issues that go back to childhood patterns, ancestral or others emotional wounds, feel free to contact us.  We are available for sessions in person, phone or via skype.

Peace, Love, Joy
Rita and Thomas

Monday, 21 May 2012

Living From Your Feminine Goddess Nature


We Continue with our Goddess/Intuitive Women Circle

for another 6 Monday evenings 

May 21st - June 25th, 2012

More words to come shortly as inspired!
Namaste Rita

Thursday, 29 March 2012

The Journey Continues - Monday April 9th, 2012

We are taking a break for a week and rolling right into our next series of 6 evenings to meet and encourage one another to live our best life, take action towards that which is for our highest and best good, listen and act on our intuitive guidance, and flower fully in our gifts. 

Date:               Monday April 9, 2012
For:                 6 Monday evenings
Where:            Goddess Temple - Harmony Healing Centre
Address:         Unit 12-1480 Foster Street, B.C.
Cost:               $220.00 first timers, $160.00 repeaters

You may ask "What does it mean to be in your Goddess Nature?"  Well, it is not about another title, ego, or more mind information.  It is about letting go of the old story, the old self, being transparent and loving self fully (rear of the heart open) to listen to your guides/inner guidance.

This is a process of being real, being willing to feel into your body, willing to be seen fully, and allowing your shadow aspects to come forth.  The circle provides a safe space of honest, kind, loving, respectful support to help each one of us peel away the old layers that have kept us from being ourselves fully.

The gift out of this process is the support and acceptance that each one of us feels within the circle.  Truly, women are holding a space of kindness for each other and are 'working' together to clear emotional and energetic baggage.  Novel concept, but true!  In raising each other for the good, we all win!  We all benefit and piggy back being mirrors to one another.  What a privilege is has been to walk this journey with a number of women thus far in the past year.  We have an awesome and clean support system in place to ensure every woman receives the time, energy, love, and support she deserves.  The rest is up to each of us to walk consciously, or awake as a dear friend of mine used to say through our own doors of growth from week to week.

Being our Goddess Nature also entails not just loving and honoring ourselves, but also caring for the people, families, and kids in our lives.  Many of us are women in families juggling both their own personal journey as well as being responsible for others such as kids and partners while creating their own true work.  We are Multi-taskers, and juggling busy lives, yet learning how to do all of this in balance.

It has been an absolute joy, pleasure and amazing journey with all the women so far.  
I am a better woman for walking this walk with you.

Namaste to you all,


Friday, 17 February 2012


"A heartfelt thank you to Rita, Lynda and Karen, for mentoring myself and the other women of the Goddess Circle in White Rock, Fall, 2011. I also thank my Guides and inner guidance to meet Rita in order for me to become a part of this wondrous circle and the supportive experiences that unfold each week. Many uncertainties have emerged into a place of brighter light and knowing of that Goddess within me and even though the journeying is far from completion I am grateful to be where I am now, and yet yearn to be even more than that. The circle has provided such a safe place in which to open up some of those aspects of myself that I either didn't know about or dare to expose. Away from the circle there is still a connection to the group that helps when I've needed some grounding, and what would I do without being able to open up the back of my heart - part of my daily practice! with heartfelt love and gratitude."
- Ann Metcalfe, 2011

"I feel connected!  I love the circle and I love how much I grow both within myself and with my gifts.  It keeps me grounded as much as it gives me the expansion and direct access to spirit that I need and want.  I want to hear better and I want to see.  I would love to be able to channel directly like Lynda does.  I know that it's a matter of time for me.  I also want to be able to trust like Karen does.  I love that now that I am more fully grounded in myself I am able to support the other women better."
- Kasia Rachfall, Feb. 2012

The Goddess Circle is a very special gathering to open, honor, heal, and celebrate.
This group has enabled me to strengthen my connection to divinity,  Because it is open to divine presence and spiritual communication to facilitate understanding, healing and  meaning.  The eternal faith and love we connect to allows me to open beyond my situational limitations of pain, fear, feebleness,   judgement.  This group is enhancing my progress in empowerment, acceptance, necessary change, spiritual communion, and being in the matrix with sensuality and vitality.  As well, I use to have anxiety often, now, after participating in these nights, the fear tornado only enters my tummy on occasion.  I have adapted more efficient skills in feeling myself and responding and taking care of my 'state'.  Thank-you all with deep gratitude and resonance.
- Love Chelsea, December 2011

I realize how the energy at Goddess Temple is powerfully assisting me in raising my vibration and I am figuring that all the externals I'm struggling with are just an opportunity to cleanse and release whatever is holding me back.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart for holding such a blessed space for us all to do our clearing and work.
- Wendy MacPherson,  2011

Sunday, 12 February 2012

The Invitation

 Dear Woman,

Are you ready to awaken and embody your Goddess Nature?    

Starting Date:  Monday, February 20, 2012

Series:  6 Consecutive Monday Evenings Time:  7:00 PM – 9:45 PM 

Place:  Harmony Healing Centre        
           Unit 12-1480 Foster Street White Rock, V4B 3X7

Cost:  $220.00 for first timers, $160.00 for repeaters.   

Each woman brings her own signature to the world and as such has a Potential Goddess Nature longing to flower into full blossom.   When she is ready to fully learn to love & empower herself and to share her gifts with others, everyone in the world benefits.

We continue to create  this ‘Temple Time’ for women to gather for this sacred, energetic, and organic process to unfold.  Together, we create a circle of wisdom, trust, bond, and openness with the intention to honor, uplift, and cherish one another through this birthing.

Join Rita Britnell, Lynda Rivers and Karen Kostiuk on this experiential journey of self-discovery.  Together as a team we provide the emotional anchor, intuitive hearing and seeing guidance to allow your Divine Feminine to flourish.

The Wisdom is in the Circle of Women, and hence each Woman brings with her own special intuitive gifts and presence. This experiential series is a place for each woman to shine, to free herself from emotional blockages, to trust her intuition and guidance system to bring forth her metaphysical gifts. 

To join us, please contact Rita Britnell at 778-552-1608  or
Pre-registration is required.  Cash or Cheque is accepted.

Friday, 10 February 2012


Imagine yourself feeling safe to be who you are, to expose yourself, to be loved and 
supported in your strength and vulnerability.  

Imagine yourself being with other women who wish to feel and experience the same, to uplift, support, encourage, and nurture each other to express yourself fully. 

This sacred space allows for each woman to fully shine, for her spirit to sing.

In this circle of womanhood, there is purpose, there is joy, there is allowing of 
your intuitive gifts to come forth to be expressed.  

In the sacred space, you do not need to suppress or hold yourself
You are loved for who you are.  

Is your spirit longing to have that?  Life on this planet has been and still is oppressive.  
Moving into a circle where there is freedom - is that not what life is about?

This is such a circle I was guided to initiate in the Spring of 2011.  I was told there is a rising call for women to assist one another in birthing their true Goddess Nature and that my role in this is to hold the emotional intuitive space for such a circle of creation.  

We have been in circle with each other for 6 series of 6 Monday evenings over the past year, and the experience has been enriching and profound for myself and others providing personal growth, guidance, healing, and support to be fully ourselves and express our gifts.   

The circles continue for the call for women to gather deeply like this has purpose. 

Are you ready to be on purpose with you, to open fully to who you are, to allow yourself to be transparent, to shed your fears, and join in this bond of sisterhood and personal evolution?
